
Iranian Mazafati Dates

October 5, 2021 , Iranian Mazafati Dates

Iranian Mazafati dates have a special place in my heart. They are the fresh, green Iranian summertime dates which I prepare by hand from a local fruit tree. I grow them every summer and sell them as fresh, green Iranian Mazafati dates. The wonderful part about growing these dates is that they never go out of season and the taste is always the best!

My favorite Iranian Mazafati dates include: Kerman-e Reza, Kerman-e Ghavam, Darbariyeh, Sedara-e Mazafati, Sedara-e Tabriz and Shahnameh-eh Mazafati. All these dates have high moisture content, high nutritional value and have a relatively long shelf life when stored in a refrigerator. It is important to note that moisture content varies from one source to another. Therefore, the specific moisture content of each source will vary and what is written on the labels may not necessarily be true of all sources.

There are three types of Iranian dates: Dinar,esht and Azar. Each type has its own name, meaning a different month. There are some great sources for Iranian hospitality dates in the united states. For example: Grocery stores and farm markets can purchase dry mulled dates, which are excellent when mixed with honey and served at a summer party. Stores in the Kerman province can purchase fresh Kerman dates from their farmers.



These delicious Iranian dates are very easy to find in the U.S. There are supermarkets that carry a wide variety, including nationwide chain stores. I love buying them at the farmers’ market. I also enjoy buying them in local grocery stores, especially in the summer months. The larger cities and counties, such as Houston, Austin, Texas, and Indianapolis can be found in the Middle East food chains.

If you plan on buying Iranian Mazafati dates from the supermarket in the states, be sure and ask if they sell them in Iran. Some retailers will have no problem shipping them to you country, but check the prices. It is also a good idea to ask about shipping options, especially during peak season. It might be worth the expense to ship them a bit further if you get better shipping rates.

When shopping for the best prices on Iranian dates, it is important to know the moisture content of the dates. In general, the more moisture there is in an almond or avocado, the higher the dates calories and grams per serving. This will help you make your decision about whether you want to buy dry Maldavas or wet Maldavas. Dry Maldavas are easier to chew and don’t need much sweeteners. On the other hand, wet Maldavas have more moisture and will taste better with added ingredients such as sugar or honey.

The Iranian store bought dates that you purchase should be kept cool in the refrigerator. They should not be stored below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Store bought dates that are not kept in the fridge can spoil.

Iranian Mazafati dates can be enjoyed for both breakfast and dessert. They pair well with fresh fruits like apples and pears. You can also purchase them to go with a rich yogurt or kefir recipe. Alternatively, just eat them plain with any type of dessert and you will enjoy their high quality.

The Iranian stores make a large variety of Iranian Mazafati dates available. There are dates that are made from white and brown grains. There are dates that come from the Persian mountains and have a unique taste. And there are dates that are made from the sands of the Ganges. Whatever type of date you choose to buy make sure it is made from good grains.

When buying Iranian dates, it’s a good idea to buy in bulk. The best dates are made from high quality nuts, but many store bought brands are not. When buying in bulk you get much better prices. And as an added benefit you will also be able to cook with them at home and share them with friends and family.

Iranian Mazafati dates are a great way to save money on food. They are delicious and very nutritious too. But don’t forget to cook with them and eat as you would regular dates.